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galley proof是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

galley proof

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n.1.a first test copy of printed material, usually not divided into pages, on which corrections are marked

1.长条校样 galley 毛条校样,长条校样 galley proof 毛条校样,长条校样 genealogy 家谱 ...

2.长条稿样 Galley 版盘 Galley proof 长条稿样 Gamma 伽玛值 ...

3.毛条校样 galley 毛条校样,长条校样 galley proof 毛条校样,长条校样 genealogy 家谱 ...

4.铅印打样 铅锤测深法 leading beacon 铅印打样 galley proof 铅印注记 letterpress ...

5.毛条稿样 "speckle" 漏点 "galley proof" 毛条稿样 "slant" 斜划(斜线) ...

6.活字盘纸 fuse~ 导火线纸 galley proof活字盘纸 garmentbag~ 衣服纸袋 ...

7.毛条样 ... 毛干 hair shaft 毛条样 galley proof 毛毛虫 caterpillar ...

8.活版盘打样 ... ) gravure proof press 凹版打样机 ) galley proof 活版盘打样 ) offset proof press 胶版打样机 ...


1.Cherished graciousness House once to record the galley proof, but because her condition was unceasing, has not been used finally.怀恩豪斯曾录制了小样,但由于她个人状况不断,最终未被采用。

2.The money galley proof is the pursue "the individuality and the freedom" , pays the deeply grieved price, but she really wrong?钱小样为追求“个性和自由”,付出惨痛代价,但她真的就错了吗?

3.Reader'proof A galley proof used by the printer's proofreader.给厂内校对员用的长条稿样。

4.The galley proof dares unarmed to dial my gun unexpectedly?小样儿的居然敢徒手来拨我的枪?

5.Galley proof, I still do indefinitely, you!小样我还搞不定你啊?
